A knight relaxing on a log

Permitting Software for Planning & Zoning

Slash Approval Times
& Improve Accountability

Ask for a Demo

Civic Review is the software that I have been looking for my entire municipal career. It easily organizes and processes all land use, building and business license applications. Our City has had a lot of compliments from the public, businesses, and developers on how easy this software is to use.

Michael Florence

Planning Director

The Online Application Process Your Department has been Begging For

Maybe you’ve already set up online forms and you’re STILL not getting all the documents you need with an application. Are you sick of going back and forth with all the reviewers, trying to make sense of who has done what?

The truth is, in this day and age, you shouldn’t have to be dealing incomplete submissions. With Civic Review, you can remove all that stress and make sure you’re getting all the information upfront so you can get that project approved faster than blade can slice through paper.

A planning permit application

Stay in the Zone with no Distractions

Thanks to the Applicant Portal

Once an applicant has submitted their permit application, they gain access to a dedicated online portal. This nifty feature allows them to track the progress of their review, engage in dialogue with your team, and handle fee payments. You shouldn’t ever be interrupted again with one of those “just asking for an update” phone calls.

Prove to Impatient Developers that You’re Actually Moving Fast

…or better yet: Prove to them that they’re the ones holding up the process. Through their portal they can see each phase of the plan review process. More on plan reviews farther down this page…

A Real Quote from a Real Applicant

(Screenshot used with permission from the applicant)

A screenshot of a conversation with an application "I wish every city had your style of portal..."

Delight Your Applicants

Let us show you how!

Ask for a Walkthrough

No Modules!

Instead, customize workflows how YOU want

Civic Review doesn’t have a module for Land Use. Nor does it have modules for Code Enforcement, Building, or the Department of the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts.

But it IS built for all of those things! (Well, mostly 🪄). Here’s how it works: You can create any type of application you want, and then define your workflow from there.

No two towns or cities are the same, so our solution can adapt to your specific requirements. Get the tools you need without the walls or moats that other module-based solutions confine you to.

Diagram of workflow tools
A stamp saying only with Civic Review

Civic Review understands our flow and our process. It did not make us fit into its solution/process. It seemed all other platforms told us how to do our job instead of complementing what we already do.

Jamie Logan

City Clerk

Free Up Your Process.

Enough is Enough! - Stop letting your old software tell you what to do.

A stamp saying only with Civic Review

Reduce Approval Times with Plan Review Software

Here’s the thing: Plan Reviews can be a complete dumpster fire when comes to file organization. How do you make sure everybody knows which version is the most recent one? How do you make sure applicants send you updates ONLY AFTER everybody has had a chance to give feedback?

With Civic Review, you can organize the feedback loop and keep reviewers on the same version of plans. Once everybody has reviewed it, only then is feedback sent back to the applicant, and a new version is requested.

Stay Compliant with Time Tracking

There’s always a timer running on these review cycles. When plans come in, a timer is started, and the same goes with after updates are requested.

A diagram showing the cyclical nature of the plan review process

Civic Review helped us streamline our application processes, improve efficiency in permit review, and reduce paperwork in the office. All of this helps us provide better service to our customers. Thanks Civic Review, you rock!

Thomas Dansie

Community Development Director

All Your Data in One Place

Let’s say you have a citizen living in a nice, quiet neighborhood. One day he takes it upon himself to build a 50 foot tall guard tower fully equipped with heated oil pour-spouts and fireball launchers. But his neighbor is NOT okay with it. They come to the town meeting and demand you show them why the tower was approved.

Everybody is scratching their heads, because, it just doesn’t make sense. You have an approved permit on record but how do you know who approved it? What comments were made? What correspondence is there relating to the permit? Even if you are on top of your long-term document storage, do you really have all this information?

Diagram showing data all over the place, and then it gathered together

Civic Review brings all these data points together into one place. It’s easy to find. All you have to do is search “guard tower”.

Faster Plan Reviews & Better Accountability

Speaking of guard towers, let Civic Review safeguard your kingdom by keeping everyone on-track without slowing things down.

Let's Talk About How
Castle Tower