Business Licensing Software

Automate 95% of Your Renewal Work with Smart Licensing

Too many paper-cuts from stuffing renewal envelopes? We've got the solution for you.

Save My Fingers
A female knight

We have gone from a snail mail renewal process, to a digital process with Civic Review. This has not only cut down on paperwork and the cost of supplies, but it's also cut down on time processing renewals. Gone were the ways of entering everything manually! It has taken a lot of stress off of my shoulders, and I've heard many compliments about it from our residents!

Annemarie Plaizier

City Manager

Automated Business Licensing Renewals

95% of the time spent doing renewals could be done by a Civic Review while you sleep. Think about the time you spend printing renewal letters, stuffing envelopes, and adding stamps. Maybe you already have a machine that does all that for you?

What about the time spent processing those renewals as they come in? With each renewal letter returned you’ve got to open the envelope (watch out for paper cuts!), process a check, enter all the data in your old software.

A clerk scratching his head in frustration
A stack of papers

Automated Notifications

What makes Civic Review different is the approach we take to renewals. Applicants are encouraged multiple times via email to renew online themselves. If they do this, you don’t need to take payment or enter any changes into your database.

Also… no more stuffing envelopes!

Notification Bell
“Time to Renew!”
Notification Bell
“You still need to renew…”
Notification Bell
“You’re gonna be late!”
Renewal done online! 👍

Save Time on Renewals

Let us walk you through how this is done.

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Let's Follow This Business Owner's Journey

Meet Roger the Shrubber

Roger is a hard-working citizen who wishes to open his own business arranging and designing shrubberies for local castles and palaces. Since the town hall is a 2-day trip via horseback, it would sure be nice if he could register his new business online. He's not the only one with this problem. If Townsville had a way to do online business licensing, they’d be the talk of the kingdom!

With Civic Review, here’s what that process would look like...

A business owner looking complexed and frustrated
Quote bubble
Why can't I do this online?
Business license application form

Create Your Online Business License Application Forms

Decide how your forms work: accept file uploads, collect lists and even maps. Ensure that all required data is collected.

Using application information Civic Review can calculate and collect fees automatically.

Approve Applications from Any Place, Any Time

Our web-based software gives your reviewers the freedom to approve applications on any device.

You can also customize this workflow. Set rules to determine when the building department might need to review a business license.

As approvals are received from other staff members or agencies, they can make comments, communicate with applicants, and attach documents. All this communication is stored with the application record.

A partially-built towerA knight wearing a hardhat and holding a tablet

I really like the ability to collaborate with other departments on the app and have that information continue to be visible to other employees accessing the account. It makes it easy to provide up to date information and good customer service.

Eve Furse

County Clerk

Easily Accept Payment Online

Without totally borking your financial or ERP system

Our applicant, Roger, is provided with a portal so he can interact with city staff. Being web-based, he can access this from anywhere, on any device. This portal allows applicants to:

  • Pay fees online
  • Check the application status
  • Communicate with staff

When it comes to payment, Civic Review integrates with a number of 3rd party payment processors, making it possible to keep all your organization’s payments on a central system. Even though Civic Review may replace your current business license module or software, you continue to use your financial/ERP systems for accounting purposes.

New business license payment screen
A happy customer's face

Stop Sending Emails, Send Civic Review Messages

Animation of in-app messaging

You can send messages right from the software without switching to your email app.

Need to reference this conversation later?

No worries, it will always be there. This conversation is stored with the application forever, so years from now, you can always go back and see what was said and when, instead of rummaging through your email inbox.

Roger Can Print His Own Business License Online

Save on postage and get licenses out faster with print-at-home options.

You can customize your own printable license templates using our drag-and-drop template editor. You can even use these template to bulk print form letters!

Template editor
Screenshot: Your certificate is ready to print
A stamp saying only with Civic Review

Civic Review Makes Renewals Stink a Little Less

You won't have to worry about when to run renewals, how many letters to print, or when to follow up.

Automated Renewals

It's not the dark ages anymore. Should you really be doing any of this?

  • Printing renewal letters
  • Folding renewal letters
  • Stuffing envelopes
  • Licking envelopes (ouch - and yuck!)
  • Paying for postage and adding stamps
  • Doing it all again when people don't renew before the deadline!

And just like magic, not only will Civic Review replace this with email, it's smart enough to know when to do it.

Screenshot of a renewal email
Reviewing data during renewal
Screenshot of renewal progress

Roger can Update his Business License Information Himself

Like a shrub, Roger's business has blossomed. He now offers general lawn care service too. During renewal, Roger update his business description. Your data automatically stays up-to-date with no effort from yourself.

You Can Relax Now

...knowing your licenses are being managed by the most intelligent business license software available

Leave the dark ages behind and bring your municipality up to the 21st century. Your residents have enough friction to deal with when collaborating with the government. Let's make things easier not just for yourself, but also for your business-owners. They’ll praise you for making things easier, and you’ll be able to get more done.

A knight relaxing on a log

My renewals are 100% easier than when we were using [Some other software; we decided to be nice and not show the name].

Angela Katoa

Business Licensing Supervisor

Enough is Enough!

Take action now and save your kingdom from the threat of paper-based licensing.

Don’t Change Your Process to Fit the Software

Customer Logo

Civic Review understands our flow and our process. It did not make us fit into its solution/process. I don't know if that makes sense, but it seemed all other platforms told us how to do our job instead of complementing what we already do!!

Jamie Logan

City Clerk

Civic Review is different from other software because it’s not a collection of modules. We built a fully-customizable workflow editor so you can choose what the licensing process should be. This flexibility is why most of our customers chose Civic Review.

You'll Get Help for Free

While you're on your quest serving the businesses in your town, we're not gonna abandon you like Gandalf did Frodo and say, "Good luck!". We provide fast, free customer support. We're super proud of our service.

You can get help from us by chatting within the software, email, or calling us on the phone. Additionally, we provide tutorials and help articles for those who prefer self-guided solutions.

You'll have a partner to guide you on your journey as you build your own forms, make changes to fees, or run reports. Ask us for a list of customers you can talk to, and we'll let them do the bragging for us.

Screenshot of chat scores with response times less than 20 seconds

This is a report from the chat tool our team uses; showing data from a three-month period and over 200 conversations.

This is how fast we respond

This is how much people love us

A stamp saying only with Civic Review

Civic Review has been easy to use for not only our town but for our local businesses. Civic Review's customer service is phenomenal! Real people ready to help!

Keirstyn Montgomery

Town Clerk

By the Way: Civic Review Isn’t Just for Business Licensing

Civic Review is different from other software because it’s not a collection of modules. It’s a great fit for anything that has an application followed by some kind of review process. Works great for building permits, zoning permits, and even other forms like utility connection request.

Customer Logo

We didn’t have to change our work flow to adapt to the new program. And there were options for us to expand into the other types of applications. If Civic Review were no longer a company, I probably would cry. It’s a great program. Hands down.

Annemarie Plaizier

City Recorder

Bring More Business to Your Municipality

Show the world your municipality cares about your business owners. Save them time, and save your sanity.

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Castle Tower