Regular software companies just give you the tool. With Civic Review you’ll find a partner who cares about your success.
We don’t live in the dark ages anymore. We can literally talk to people who are up in space. Why shouldn’t you be able to have a modern way to handle this process, and keep your kingdom from crumbling back into the 6th century A.D.?
You’ve mastered your job. You don’t miss a beat. All of your records are accounted for from permits and licenses to code enforcement and utility service agreements. Your citizens know that if they need to apply for something, you’ll do everything you can to make sure they get it fast and accurately.
But then one day, an applicants says, “Can’t I just do this online?” Hmm…
Civic Review has been easy to use for not only our town but for our local businesses. Civic Review's customer service is phenomenal! Real people ready to help!
Keirstyn Montgomery
Sure, maybe you’ve survived all these years doing things the old way. But haven’t you wondered, “If I can use my phone to see where my Amazon package is, why can’t my applicants know the status of their permit without calling me?” As much as you LOVE getting a thousand phone calls a day, you’d probably appreciate some time to focus on other things.
What happens when an angry citizen comes in and says, “Hey! I built a moat with alligators in it 5 years ago and now you’re telling me it’s not permitted?! I know I was given permission and I need you to look it up!” So now you’ve got to spend half your day digging through all your records: approvals, staff notes, email correspondence, and payment records.
Are you storing all that in a single place right now?
If you’re going into battle, do you want a rusty, dull, sad excuse for a sword? Or do you want the sharpest, fastest blade in all the land?
Civic Review is the only sword that can provide a superior experience for your applicants. The automations in Civic Review work like magic to save you time as you face the day-to-day chaos.
Once you’re set up, your applicants will love you, your superiors will praise you, and instead of all that mind-numbing paper-pushing you used to do, you’ll be able to focus on things that really impact your community. All it takes is a step in the right direction. Contact us to take a peek down that path and talk about how we can help you succeed.
Just like with every quest, once you start down this road, we’ll always be here for you to offer support.
You can get help over the phone, email, or you can even chat with us in the app anytime during working hours! Here’s proof of our excellent performance.
This is a report from the chat tool our team uses; showing data from a three-month period and over 200 conversations.
This is how fast we respond
This is how much people love us
John Reynolds started Civic Review in 2017. He had spent years working freelance as a software engineer for various customers. In 2013 he was hired by a nearby county clerk to build a custom solution for business licensing. Soon after, he was asked to build a permitting solution that, in their words, “works really similar to the business licensing system you built” - but with several key differences to workflow. Long story short: in 2017, John decided to create a product that allows you to create different workflows, allowing you to handle any kind of permit or license. Read more about all the way you can use Civic Review for your unique needs.
Let us be your guide as you figure out what approach is best for you. Buying software can be hard, and we're here to help you out.
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